
Tuesday 6th Nov - English task one - Radio, Picture books and
Friday 9th Nov - English task two - Radio Interview transcript

Monday 12th Nov - Maths Test - Algebra, time and graphs.
Tuesday 13th Nov - RE Test - Sacraments

Recreating the Eruption of Mt Vesuvius

STEP 3 : What is your idea for a fractured fairy tale?

Quickly outline your idea of your very own fractured fairy tale? What part of a well know fairy tale would you change?


Anonymous said...

An idea of fractured fairy tale would be...
Cinderella dropping her MP3 player and magical sound waves come from the MP3 and it brings her and the prince togther and they live happily ever after!

Anonymous said...

An idea of fractured fairy tale would be...
Cinderella dropping her MP3 player and magical sound waves come from the MP3 and it brings her and the prince togther and they live happily ever after!

Anonymous said...

ohh ohh i av an iDea
ItZ A PaRoDY Of EmPeRoRZ NeW CLoZe...
Da EmP GetZ a New MeChaNiCaL WaR SuIt And Destroys EveRy ThiNg ExcEpT Da PeoPle Hu WeRe rEaDy...
ThEy KiLlEd HiM
StaY AlErt

Anonymous said...

my idea of a fractured fairy is starting off with 'twice upon a time' and my story is of pinocchio but instead of his nose growing each time he lies, his mouth gets tighter and tighter untill he can't talk no.

Anonymous said...

An idea of a fractured fairytale is the three little pigs playing loud music on a stereo to get rid of the wolf

Anonymous said...

an idea of fractured fairy tale would be... cinderella dropping her mp3 player.

Anonymous said...

an idea of a fractured fairytale is the three little pigs playing loud music on a stereo to get rid of the wolf gdog

Anonymous said...

An idea of a fractured fairytale is havin instead of the 3 little pigs with the big bad wolf. Havin 3 little wolves with a big bad pig!

Sweet Chilli

Anonymous said...

an idea of a fractured fairy tail would be goldilox and the 3 elephants


Anonymous said...

got an idea...
once opon a time their were three little pigs one lived in a manchon, the seond one lives in the white house & the threed one lives in a stable with the horses.
from jackal

Anonymous said...

An idea of a fractured fairy tale is 3 little pigs using a shotgun to kill the big bad wolf


Anonymous said...

My idea for a fairy tale......
In little red riding hood, the woodcutter has a flamethrower, and he burns the wolf with the the granny and little red riding hood inside.

ps the all burned if u didnt get it, which u should have or u have no sence of humour. trickin or not....

Who is the best car/bike racer?


Peter Brock

Peter Brock
One option for research
