
Tuesday 6th Nov - English task one - Radio, Picture books and
Friday 9th Nov - English task two - Radio Interview transcript

Monday 12th Nov - Maths Test - Algebra, time and graphs.
Tuesday 13th Nov - RE Test - Sacraments

Recreating the Eruption of Mt Vesuvius

STEP 2 : The elements?!?!?

Do Fractured fairy tales have the same elements as normal fairy tales. Read a few fairy tales from the list below and check your element list. Do they have the same elements? Post your findings!


Anonymous said...

Once there were three little pigs. Two went to college, and the other pig was dumb so he couldn't go to college. He didn't even know how much 2+2 was.

One pig made a metal house, one made a house of bricks with a sign that said, " Keep out!"

The dumb one couldn't afford a house. He was homeless, and slept in the streets. Boy, that wasn't too smart!

So one day a big, bad bear came into town. He found the dumb pig.

He said, "You're dumb, can I eat you?" The pig was so dumb that he said yes. So the bear did.

His other two brothers, who had gone to college, relaxed together having some beer and some pretzels.

The moral of this story is: "Always go to college, pigs!"


Anonymous said...

Fractured fairy tale have different elements to normal fairy tales because they are differernt to normal fairy tales and the story has been changed


Anonymous said...

fractured fairy tales all have different elements, they have their story changes
e.g cinderella is a boy named cinefella.


Anonymous said...

The elements of a fractured fairytale is a fractured fairytale is shorter and gets right to the point. A normal fairytale is longer and doesn't get to the point quickly.


Anonymous said...

NO THEY DON'T BECAUSE THEY CHANGE THEIR CHARACTERS,THEME,SETTINGS ETC...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Anonymous said...

most fairy tales have the same story line, where they live happily ever after and there's always a problem in the story

where they have to work something out or figure something out..

Anonymous said...

I think they contain some of the same elements
like a moral and 'once upon a time'
they are mostly made for comedy purposes

Anonymous said...

A fractured fairy tale is different to a ordinary fairy tale because it has been twisted but it still has some of the main elements


Anonymous said...

MAKE A NEW ONE ...Y CANT I BE IN ALL OF DEM ...IM SURE IM MORE SXC aye hahahah newaiz im out lahtaz peepz

Anonymous said...

fractured fairy tales all have different elements.

Anonymous said...

who is the sexiest man in league ................?????

Anonymous said...

they both hav similar elements and different they both live happily ever after and pretty match hav the same morale. The difference r that the storyline is changed and characters are different

Sweet Chilli

Anonymous said...

fractured fairy tails are changed fairy tails and you can put in 2 or more normal fairy tails as one like shrek.


Anonymous said...

fractured fairy tails are changed fairy tails and you can put in 2 or more normal fairy tails as one like shrek.


Anonymous said...

miss make a new pol
say who is the best teacher?
aye hahah mis bf is glen ..make sure u spread it .....!!!!

Who is the best car/bike racer?


Peter Brock

Peter Brock
One option for research
